The Engineers and Scientists of California Local 20, IFPTE AFL-CIO & CLC is a democratic labor union that represents over 8,000 licensed engineers, scientists, licensed healthcare professionals, and attorneys at PG&E, Kaiser Permanente, the US EPA, Legal Aid at Work, and other employers throughout California. Our mission is to work with professional employees to address their concerns through collective bargaining and to advocate for their interests.
Unique in representing highly educated and skilled women and men, ESC Local 20 combines the collective bargaining strength of a union with the autonomy and specialization of a professional association.
We aim to raise the standards by which all professional and technical employees live and work. By working together, employees negotiate a contract to ensure their professional integrity and gain equal standing with their employer.
Professional employees want a professional union. We always seek a problem-solving relationship with the employer. Further, ESC Local 20 is a member-driven union. Members elect member leaders through a democratic process who determine the direction that the union will take.
ESC Local 20 is an affiliate of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE), the international union affiliated with AFL-CIO that holds the charter for organizing and representing professionals. IFPTE, based in Washington, D.C., represents almost 80,000 professional and technical employees in the private, public, and federal sectors in its locals in the U.S. and Canada.