Below are Letters of Agreements (LOAs), Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs – which are essentially the same as LOAs), and Review Committee decisions (RCs) from the current and previous contract cycles. For other documents and historical research, consult the ESC PG&E steward database or contact your Union Rep.
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RC 906 No Forced Ranking
The Company has committed not to engage in forced ranking of ESC represented employees, and the Company maintains this commitment.
RC 907 OT Meals Pre-Shift
Overtime meals are not due when an employee reports to prearranged overtime less than two hours prior to the start of their regular work hours on a regular workday.
RC 923 Gas Mapping Scanning Jurisdiction
Clerical Scanning Gas As-Builts settlement recognizes shared jurisdiction between Mapping and Clerical, but also allowed use of ESC Local 20 Engineering Assistants in the Gas Mapping Department to do “scanning and attributing” work.
RC 924 Upgrade Clarification
When upgraded to a higher classification, employees cannot be paid above the maximum pay for that classification.
RC 937 (Superseded): POT Cancellation 2-hr Minimum
2 hour minimum pay on Sunday when POT was cancelled on Sunday. Note: this decision was without precedent, but this issue was corrected in the 2016-19 contract.
RC 938 (Superseded): PMP Ratings Are Not Grievable
This said that PMP ratings themselves cannot be grieved; however this was changed in the 2016-19 contract and PMP ratings are now grievable.
MOU 14-01 ARCOS Implementation
Laid out processes for PG&E’s use of the “ARCOS” software tool to call out Estimators and ADE’s for incident response, including EOT lists and “Annual Lists.”
MOU 14-02 Order Creation Arbitration Decision
Clarified that an Estimator or ADE must be called out for all SO205 incidents, and that only Estimators or ADE’s can create capital orders.
MOU 14-03 Exhibit D and Monthly Working Conditions
Updated Exhibit D of the contract to include all the monthly groups organized since 2008, and standardized some of their working conditions by adding them into the main contract sections. Also, formalized inclusion of SNBR, IPE, and Scheduler in Exhibit D.
LOA 15-01 (Superseded by LOA 15-15) Sick Leave for Hiring Hall (per new state law)
Superseded by LOA 15-15