Making Politics Work for ESC Local 20 Members: Because Politics Impacts our Paychecks and Professions

Why Politics Matter:
Decisions made by elected officials at federal, state, and local levels can have a big impact on our professions, wages, and working conditions. Regulatory bodies, such as the PUC for PG&E employees, Laboratory Field Services (LFS) for Clinical Lab Scientists, or other Health Professional Boards, are political bodies that make decisions that impact our work lives. We need to make sure that our voices are heard before legislators and regulators and that we support those who work to protect and advance our interests.


What is the ESC Local 20 LEAP Fund?
The Legislative Education and Action Program supports legislative efforts that support the interests of the labor movement and working families. We contribute to candidates and measures that will serve our union’s members’ interests. The support that we provide to political candidates for office is funded exclusively by voluntary contributions to the LEAP Fund — no union dues money goes towards this purpose. Many of our employers contribute millions of dollars to politicians or ballot measures to influence the political process. Through LEAP and the collective impact of our members’ voluntary donations, we can make sure that our union’s voice is heard as well.

Ready to Sign-up? Print a Leap form here.

Any ESC Local 20 Member can sign up by filling out the form and mailing them to 810 Clay St., Oakland, CA 94607.

PG&E Employees may also join online by filling out the form below.