2019 Medical Professionals Unit Nomination Form
In accordance with the Medical Professional Unit constitution of ESC Local 20, the following positions on the Medical Professional Unit Board are open for election:
- President
- Secretary
- District Directors 1, 3 and 5:
- District 1 (Fresno, Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Stanislaus & Yolo)
- District 3 (Marin and Sonoma)
- District 5* (Marin, Sonoma, Napa, Solano, Placer, Sacramento, Yolo)
The offices of President and Secretary may be nominated by any member in good standing of the Unit. District Directors shall be nominated by members in good standing in the District in which they and the nominee are employed and the election shall be by the membership at large.
*Candidates for District 5 may not be employed by the same employer as other incumbent Board Directors representing the same counties. Further, representatives of District 5 must be employed in clearly distinct job classifications.
Nominations may be submitted by Nomination Form, signed by no less than ten (10) members of the Unit in good standing (members of the Unit and District for the District Representatives) and must be received at the union office on or before March 15, 2019. No facsimiles or emailed nomination forms will be accepted, please submit your original nomination forms via US mail or hand delivery, in time for delivery to our office by the due date.
If an election is called for, candidates will be notified on March 18, 2019. Candidates will have until noon on March 25, 2019, to submit their candidate bios for inclusion in the ballots. Ballots will be sent to all members in good standing of the Unit no later than March 29, 2019.
Completed ballots must be received at the union office, by US mail, on or before 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 29, 2019.
2019 Medical Professionals Unit Nomination Form
To request a nomination form by mail or fax, please call 510-238-8320
Please share and post the 2019 Medical Professionals Unit Notice of Election in your workplace.