Join us for a vigil as we honor the victims of the VTA light rail shooting.

Vigil honoring victims of VTA shooting
May 27 at 6:00pm
San José City Hall Plaza

We ask all union members to wear their union shirts in solidarity with VTA workers who are impacted by this tragedy. Masks and physical distancing are mandatory. 


Donate to the victims of this tragedy. 

ESC Local 20 wants to extend our deep and sincere condolences to our union siblings of the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) 265 and to the families of those who lost their lives today in the tragic mass shooting at Valley Transportation Authority. While the details of the event are still coming to light, it is possible that these workers were at a union meeting when the shooting occurred. No one should have to fear losing their life by simply going to work or attending a union meeting.

There is no excuse for the horror and grief caused by events like these. Yet, in these moments, we can show that solidarity is not a passive phrase and that we mean it when we call each other brothers and sisters. South Bay Central Labor Council and Working Partnerships USA have established a fund to support victims. Donations will be used to help those directly impacted by this tragedy. You can donate here.


IFPTE Statement on Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Shootings

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