Did you know as an ESC member you enjoy the best retirement package offered by the three California investor-owned utilities (IOUs)? Your retirement package is more than just a benefit – it’s a cornerstone of your financial security.


Your retirement package consists of two components:

  • your pension
  • your 401(k) plan


Regardless of which retirement package you have, you have a pension. Backed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), your pension is the gold standard of retirement benefits, ensuring you a guaranteed monthly income stream funded solely by PG&E. Read on below to better understand your retirement package, which includes your pension.


You can find out even more by using the retirement calculator and summary of benefits handbook available at myportal.pge.com.


This month, PG&E will send all ESC members a benefits survey. This survey isn’t just routine; it’s a critical opportunity for you to make your voice heard about how important your retirement security is to you. Your feedback will directly impact upcoming contract negotiations, and your participation is essential to ensure that your benefits are maintained.


Remember, as an ESC member, you possess a powerful tool for securing a stable retirement: your pension.


In Solidarity,


Francisco Preciado, ESC Executive Director

Carl Harland, ESC Assistant Executive Director