Message from the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions
May 7, 2018—”Today, at the “Labor Summit” in Oakland, Kaiser management presented the unions with a top-down, unilateral “new partnership.” This proposal, in particular, limits our ability as union members to speak out and stand up for our rights—and threatens union members’ job security with technology and outsourcing.
Kaiser has a legal obligation to bargain with the Coalition. We will continue to take action to demand Kaiser return to the table to bargain the National Agreement.
The National Labor Relations Act gives us an opportunity to hold Kaiser accountable. The Coalition cannot agree to a “new partnership” without the voices of our 85,000 members.
“The unions of the Coalition are completely committed to Partnership and the great work we’ve done together, but any changes to the Partnership need to be discussed in national bargaining,” said Walter Allen, executive director of OPEIU Local 30.”
What does this mean for ESC Local 20?
The National Agreement remains in place until we negotiate a change. This means that Local 20 members will receive a 3% general wage increase on October 1st and there will be no changes to benefits. Current employment and income security provisions also will remain in effect. We will continue to participate in UBTs and other local level partnership activities.
Additionally, since all three of ESC Local 20’s contracts expire late in 2019 no Local Bargaining will begin now.
Most importantly, we need to continue to show our strength and unity by sticking together at our workplaces and with our Coalition partners. We cannot accept terms of a “partnership” that would allow for Kaiser to unilaterally outsource or automate work nor one that restricts the fundamental rights of unions to take action on behalf of their members, such as striking or engaging in political activity. Whether we are fighting for a true partnership or for better staffing levels in our Labs or supporting our other Union sisters and brothers who jobs are being outsourced, we know we are stronger together.
We will continue to update you as more information becomes available. If you have any questions, please contact Michael Aidan,
The Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions is comprised of ESC Local 20 (IFPTE), OPEIU Local 2, OPEIU Local 8, OPEIU Local 29, OPEIU Local 30, OPEIU Local 50/Hawaii Nurses Association, SEIU Local 49, SEIU Local 105, SEIU Local 121RN, SEIU-UHW (STATEWIDE), SEIU 1199NW, and UNITEHERE Local 5