We are saddened to learn of the passing of IBEW 1245 business representative of 30 years, Landis Marttila, who died at his home in San Francisco on June 9. Brother Landis worked closely with members and staff of ESC Local 20 in the furtherance of the labor movement to the benefit of the members of both Unions. We cherished his trademark smile, humor and solidarity.

Landis Marttila


Since 1990, Brother Marttila represented members at PG&E, in Outside Construction, and Line Clearance Tree Trimming. In that time, he could always be counted on to stand shoulder to shoulder with ESC Local 20 members. He was active in many union organizing drives and political campaigns, and was a reliable presence on the picket line when other unions asked for solidarity. He represented IBEW 1245 on the San Mateo Central Labor Council for many years.


Marttila, who retired just last year, had been in good spirits and was enjoying his retirement when he unexpectedly died of natural causes at his home. He is survived by his wife Barbara, sons Max and Joshua, and daughter Anikka, as well as three grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

Learn more about Landis and his storied career.