After nearly a year of negotiations, we are pleased to have reached this settlement, which respects and rewards the important work you all do and will help retain and attract staff. Some key wins include:
- Guaranteed and fair wage increases for all RNs with step increases that count towards your retirement and social security.
- A fair, transparent, and clear wage scale based on experience and years of service, helping RNs to plan financially for the future. This will result in significant adjustments for many RNs whose work experience was improperly brushed aside when hired.
- A fair and impartial Grievance Procedure to protect you from unjust discipline or any retaliation. The process culminates with a final decision from a neutral arbitrator.
- Delays the change to the new PTO system to one year from ratification, so RNs can adequately plan for the change.
- Workload Protections: An Unsafe Work Assignment Form that protects you and your license, a process to take breaks, and an agreement to deal with workload and acuity scale issues within 90 days.