Our committee had our first meeting with management to develop a framework agreement about remote work once the COVID stay-at-home orders are no longer in place. The meeting was quite positive, and we are pleased that we have many shared interests with management.
An ESC Local 20 survey shows that 85% of members who responded said they would like to work from home at least half the time, and 50% said they would like to work at home full time. Management has not taken a position on how much employees would be able to work from home, and it is possible this decision would occur at the department or workgroup level.
Our first meeting focused on the terms and conditions for working at home, like overtime, travel time, meals, ergonomics, work expectations, etc. We are coordinating with IBEW, who is also negotiating on the same topics.
The Union will be setting up a virtual meeting or call for all members for an update on these negotiations soon. Please stay tuned for the details.