Below are Letters of Agreements (LOA’s), Memorandums of Understanding (MOU’s – which are essentially the same as LOA’s), and Review Committee decisions (RC’s) from the current and previous contract cycles.  For other documents and historical research, consult the ESC PG&E steward database or contact your Union Rep.

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Found 208 Results

LOA 21-11 Senior New Business Rep Exam Provisions

Outlines the eligibility requirements, process, and schedule for Senior New Business Rep exams.

LOA 21-09 Outage Coordinator Bid Rights

Allows Outage Coordinators to make lateral moves before vacancies are opened up to other employees; classification is still beginning level. Also approves one-time moves of incumbent POCs.

LOA 21-06 DCPP Outage Bonus Hours

Approves outage incentive program, including additional paid time off for meeting outage goals.

LOA 21-05 Provisional Senior Estimators

Allows hiring of routine estimators who have a BS in Engineering or equivalent experience at the top rate of pay (instead of bottom pay), acceleration through first four modules of ETP. Applies to existing members as well who meet the criteria.

MOU 21-A Delay 2021SREE and ADE Exams

Postpone ADE and SREE exams from last week of March to last week of May. Those who pass will get retro pay to April 1. Driven by delay of previous year exam to November, members did not have time to get results and study.

LOA 21-01 Update to Exhibit C Hiring Hall and HH Pay

Clarifies pay increases for Hiring Hall employees from “years” to hours, removes restrictions on pay for monthly HH, improves Exhibit C language, and settled six grievances over pay errors for HH Estimators who moved to regular positions

LOA 20-22 New ETP Admin Manual

Makes official the “ETP Admin Manual” to replace the previous “ETP User Guide” for Estimator Training Program. New manual has updates to processes for the training program. Latest draft of manual is available from PG&E intranet.

LOA 20-21 Updated Temporary Remote Work Provisions

Renews LOA 20-04 on working from home due to COVID-19; main change is that now the $15/20 meal allowance payments are paid when working through meals on OT at home. In effect until cancelled (30 days notice).

MOU 2020-D Extending LOA 19-13 (AutoCAD deadline)

60 day extension for Estimators hired in 2019 to get the ACU certificate.

LOA 20-20 Senior Estimators Checking Work Trial

Allows upgrades for Sr. Estimators to check job packages if approved by ADE and Supervisor; upgrades can be within Team instead of HQ; upgrade pay limited to 6-month step of ADE.