Your ESC Union's most recent updates: Member spotlight, Santa Rosa strike, and Know Your Rights on breaks.


Sutter Member Spotlight

Jessica Ferreras has worked as a Generalist Clinical Lab Scientist for 12 years and ten years as an ESC member at Palo Alto Medical Center. She said, “As Clinical Lab Scientists, we are the secret heroes that no one really knows about.” Jessica loves her job because she gets to help people, save lives, and work with technology and science. She says that constantly learning new things about patients is fascinating to her. Jessica got involved with ESC four years ago as an interim steward and became a steward in 2022. She talks about Luz Gruender, a mentor and idol to her who was actively involved with ESC and recently retired. Jessica was curious about how the union works after seeing unions and strikes all over the news. She said that she got involved because she wanted to expand her knowledge of what happens in the workplace.

Sutter Santa Rosa Strike

Sutter Santa Rosa Clinical Lab Scientists, Occupational therapists, Physical therapists, Social Workers, and Clinical Dieticians unanimously voted to strike for respect and quality patient care and to ensure recruitment and retention by having competitive wages at Sutter Santa Rosa. Your peer Bargaining committee pushed back on Sutter's initial proposals to hold down wages for all classifications and the strike vote and resolve moved the wage proposals significantly. This new agreement has zero takeaways, has maintained benefits, increased PTO accrual rate, and offers some new and improved language on Holiday staffing rotation. We held the line on Sutter’s insistence to offer no or minimal ATB increases for any classifications other than CLS even though we had the challenge of market rate comparables. Much appreciation to our strike leaders and all of you who participated in one, many, or all of our contract actions and for all who participated in the strike. We could not have settled this contract without your unity and resolve. Now is the time to stay unified and ready for the next contract!


Sutter Santa Rosa Strike
Sutter Santa Rosa Strike
Sutter Santa Rosa Strike
Sutter Santa Rosa Strike

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Know Your Rights


All ESC Local 20 members are entitled to a 10-15 minute rest period for a shift of at least four hours and two 10-15 minute rest periods for a shift of at least six hours. If you work five hours or more, Sutter must also provide you with one 30-minute meal period. These rights are outlined in Sutter policy (for APCs negotiating their first CBA) and in your CBA (for all other ESC members) which you can find below or under CA state law.