Nominations are now open for the following PG&E Unit Board Officers:
In accordance with Article IX of the PG&E Unit Constitution, nominations must be submitted by letter signed by not less than ten (10) members of the Unit in good standing. Nominations shall be filed with the Secretary of the PG&E Unit Board and must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 15, 2023.
The nomination procedure is outlined below:
- Candidates will download and fill out the nomination form. Nomination forms are available online at org
or can be requested by emailing - Candidates will scan and e-mail the form to the unit area members in good standing of their choice.
- Candidates can have members in good standing add their signatures by printing out the form, signing it, then scanning or sending a photo of the signed form back to the candidate via e-mail
– OR –
a member may register their “signature” on the form by responding to the candidate’s email containing the nomination form stating,“I, _____, hereby sign the nomination form sent to me by __________” in the email message.
When practical, it is preferable for members to use their employer-issued email address for ease of verification. A personal email address is permitted when that personal email address is on file with the union.
- When the candidate has obtained at least ten (10) valid signatures of unit area members in good standing, the candidate may file those nomination forms with the Union office by mail, hand-delivered, or e-mail with the subject line “PG&E Nomination Form for (name of office).”
Successful candidates will serve for a term of two (2) years commencing in June 2023. The elected officers shall be installed and shall assume their respective offices at the conclusion of the first regularly scheduled PG&E Unit Board meeting following the election.
Details of the duties and responsibilities of the officers are in the Constitution of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company Unit. Copies of the Constitution and the nomination form can be found on the ESC Local 20 website: You can also call the ESC Local 20 office at 510-238-8320 and we will mail you either or both documents.
If an election is called for, candidates will be notified on Monday, April 17, 2023. Candidates will have until noon on Thursday, April 20 to submit a print-ready biography for inclusion in the ballot mailing. Ballots shall be sent to all members of the PG&E Unit in good standing no later than Monday, May 1, 2023. To be valid, ballots must be received on or before 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 24, 2023, and will be opened and counted by the Election Committee following the close of the balloting prior to Tuesday, May 30, 2023.