October 12, 2020: Labor Board Recommends Sutter Bargain in Good Faith with Union
September 17, 2020: Negotiations Update: Union Proposes Wage Scale, TA Reached on Grievance Process
September 9, 2020: Local 20-PAMF Bargaining Team Nominations
September 3, 2020: Negotiations Update: New Proposals from Sutter
August 20, 2020: Labor Board to Keep Close Watch on Sutter for Unlawful Behavior
August 20, 2020: ESC Local 20 Proposes Hazard Pay
In January, RNs at Mountain View and Sunnyvale organized for a voice at work with the Engineers and Scientists of California Local 20, IFPTE. Like other professionals, MV/SV RNs are seeking an equal seat at the table on wages, benefits, patient care, and scope of practice issues through ESC Local 20.
How Does the Negotiating Process Work?
A bargaining team made up of RNs and an experienced Chief Negotiator will sit at the negotiating table as equals with PAMF management. The negotiation process will be guided by the top priorities identified in the bargaining surveys.
No one knows exactly how long it will take to reach a fair agreement but legally PAMF cannot make changes to our wages, hours, or other terms and conditions of employment without negotiating with us during this time. Once an agreement is reached, all union members covered under the tentative agreement will have a chance to vote on whether or not to accept it.
The negotiations process is governed by federal and state laws that require management to negotiate in good faith and outlines a mediation process if an agreement cannot be reached. Your bargaining team will work hard to get the best possible contract possible but the real power at the bargaining table comes from a strong, united membership.