Please check back here often for the latest negotiations updates and news.  

ESC Local 20 Bargaining Team: Jennifer Blandino, Hiru Motreja, Hayat Haddad, Chelsea Henderson, Lisa Spears, David Dodds, Andrea Cronin, Nicole Dominguez, Jyoti Hans-Brar

Bargaining Update: Informational Picket:
Monday, July 29 from 2pm to 4pm
Good Samaritan Hospital 2425 Samaritan Dr., San Jose

Bargaining Update: Stand up for patient care & a fair contract: Join us July 29 from 2-4pm at Good Sam Hospital

Bargaining Update: HCA Says 1% for Patient Care Providers, $400 Million for CEO

Bargaining Update: HCA Silent on Key Issues that Would Improve Patient Care

Bargaining Update: HCA Negotiations Kickoff with Strong Member Support

Bargaining Update: Bargaining Survey Results In, Priorities Set, & Bargaining Team Elected– Are You Ready?

2019 Bargaining Begins: Welcome Letter


Create your own user feedback survey


Last year, seventy-five members advanced in their careers through the union-negotiated annual promotion process. Once annually, members across various monthly classifications become eligible for promotion to the next level in their classification by simply submitting their resumes and an application.

In 2023, 200 candidates applied and were evaluated for promotion by panels comprising two ESC members and two managers. Out of the 200 candidates, roughly 60% were recommended for promotion, with most receiving unanimous recommendations. The Lines of Businesses created openings for 75 members. These advancements were completed by Dec. 1, 2023.

Submissions were accepted during the summer, and final recommendations from the panels were made by November. A total of 82 ESC members served as panelists.

John Mader, President of ESC stated, “I extend congratulations to those who have been promoted and heartfelt gratitude to the volunteers who served as panel members. Their dedication is integral to the success of this process.”

Roberto Gonzalez-Ramos, the PG&E Unit’s Vice President, General Office, Joe Anastasio, the PG&E Unit’s Vice President of Nuclear Generation, and staff member Ken Thorbourne led this ESC initiative.

The annual promotion process will kick off again this year on June 15th. For more information, please check under the Toolkit on the Labor Relations intranet page in the folder titled ESC Monthly Advancement Process.

Francisco Preciado, ESC Executive Director

Are you ready to show Sutter that we are united for quality patient care? Tomorrow, June 5th is Social Media Unity Day. Join us in the following activities to show Sutter we are stronger than ever in our fight for a fair contract.

Post along with a selfie OR download the graphic below and post on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter:

Social Media Sample Posts

We’re standing together in our commitment to providing the best possible care for our patients. Despite Sutter’s refusal to bargain in good faith, we are united for a fair contract that reflects the value of our essential work! @paloaltomedical #NursesUnitedForPatientCare #RespectNurses #ESCNurses

It’s disheartening to see Sutter resorting to divisive tactics instead of prioritizing patient care and fair treatment for nurses. We’re rejecting these efforts and focusing on coming together for a contract that honors our dedication and hard work. @paloaltomedical #StopSuttersUnionBusting #RespectNurses #ESCNurses

We’re taking action today to ensure our voices are heard loud and clear: patient care is our priority. We are advocating for a fair contract that reflects our commitment to our community. We stand united for what’s right. @paloaltomedical #NursesUnited #ESCNurses

United, we stand for patient care, fairness, and respect. Our commitment to our community remains unwavering despite Sutter’s refusal to bargain in good faith. Sutter, do the right thing for our patients. @paloaltomedical #RespectNurses #NursesUnited #ESCNurses

Or…write your own! 

Or…record a video and post using this script! Ensure it’s no longer than 20 seconds.

Video Script:

“Hi everyone! My name is ____ and I’m a nurse at Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Sutter Health. I want to share why being a nurse means so much to me (insert personal story).

We are calling on Sutter to settle our contract on June 6th! We’re united for patient care, fairness, and respect.”

Hashtags: Ensure your post gets seen by the public by using these hashtags!

  • #NursesUnited
  • #RespectNurses
  • #PAMFNurses
  • #ESCNurses
  • #StandWithNurses

Set your Facebook and Instagram profiles to public just for Unity Day.

Please send your photos and videos to

Did you know as an ESC member you enjoy the best retirement package offered by the three California investor-owned utilities (IOUs)? Your retirement package is more than just a benefit – it’s a cornerstone of your financial security.


Your retirement package consists of two components:

  • your pension
  • your 401(k) plan


Regardless of which retirement package you have, you have a pension. Backed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), your pension is the gold standard of retirement benefits, ensuring you a guaranteed monthly income stream funded solely by PG&E. Read on below to better understand your retirement package, which includes your pension.


You can find out even more by using the retirement calculator and summary of benefits handbook available at


This month, PG&E will send all ESC members a benefits survey. This survey isn’t just routine; it’s a critical opportunity for you to make your voice heard about how important your retirement security is to you. Your feedback will directly impact upcoming contract negotiations, and your participation is essential to ensure that your benefits are maintained.


Remember, as an ESC member, you possess a powerful tool for securing a stable retirement: your pension.


In Solidarity,


Francisco Preciado, ESC Executive Director

Carl Harland, ESC Assistant Executive Director

Whereas, numerous members have asked the Union to make a statement on the Israel-Palestine conflict; 

Whereas, ESC Local 20 IFPTE is an affiliate of the AFL-CIO via its affiliation with the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers; and

Whereas, the AFL-CIO has released a statement regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED that the ESC Local 20 Executive Board supports and adopts the following resolution;

“The AFL-CIO condemns the attacks by Hamas on October 7th and calls for a negotiated cease-fire in Gaza—including the immediate release of all hostages and provision of desperately needed shelter, food, medicine, and other humanitarian assistance to Gazans—and reaffirms our support of a two-state solution for long-term peace and security.”

In accordance with the PG&E Unit constitution of ESC Local 20, the following positions on the PG&E Unit Board are open for election:
