
Dear WIC APCs,

We are writing today with a brief update from the bargaining table. During our last PUI bargaining session on March 23rd, we reviewed a memo by Dr. Silvers pertaining to his assessment of the PUI issues we have raised at the bargaining table. You can view a full copy of the memo here.

According to Dr. Silvers’ memo, APCs are only required to wear N95 masks during PUI visits. Additionally, the memo provides the following protocol for use of exam rooms when seeing PUI patients:

  • Exam room doors should be closed for a total of 86 minutes after the patient was in the room if they were not wearing a mask for longer than 15 minutes, or if an aerosolized procedure was conducted.

During our discussion of the memo, we requested that MAs be assigned cleaning and rooming the patients, but Sutter would not agree to our request.

Despite our repeated attempts to schedule future bargaining sessions, we have been unable to due to Sutter’s lack of cooperation. Our bargaining committee has been flexible regarding when we meet, but so far Sutter has not agreed to any of our proposed times. Instead, Sutter has insisted that all bargaining committee members bargain exclusively on their days off or before and after work. Sutter’s demand that bargaining only take place during non-working hours is a significant and unfair burden on our bargaining committee members, and has impeded the bargaining process. At this time, we are evaluating all of our options, including legal avenues. We will keep you informed of any developments.

Finally, all clinics should now be receiving water deliveries, according to the terms of our previous agreement with Sutter. If water bottles have not been made available in your clinic, please let us know as soon as possible.

In Solidarity,

Your bargaining team:

Melissa Slalski
Aphrodite Roberts
Kellie Ralph
Kamaljit Kaur
Adolfo Riedel


Vickie Perez
Brooke Merrin
Gursharan Gill
Lauren Casey