Below are Letters of Agreements (LOA’s), Memorandums of Understanding (MOU’s – which are essentially the same as LOA’s), and Review Committee decisions (RC’s) from the current and previous contract cycles.  For other documents and historical research, consult the ESC PG&E steward database or contact your Union Rep.

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Found 208 Results

LOA 15-24 GIS Work Jurisdiction

Divides “shared jurisdiction” (from LOA 06-60) between ESC and NBU GIS developers: ESC work is non-enterprise custom applications; NBU work is Enterprise level GIS systems.

LOA 15-22 Seniority Tie Breaker with Random Number Assignment

Modifies 21.2 so that for employees hired on the same day, random numbers are assigned in advance rather than using a “method of chance” as before.

LOA 15-21 Power Gen Maintenance Planner Entry and Associate

Creates new Associate PG Maintenance Planner classification and a non-union Entry position with a job description and salary range. Company commits to hire an Associate MP in each office where there is an existing MP.

LOA 15-18 Gas Station Engineers

Clarifies job descriptions, salary ranges, and unique working conditions for newly organized classifications of Gas Project (Plant) Engineers, Power System Engineers, and Control System Engineers

LOA 15-16 Hiring Hall Medical Benefits (“Gold Plan”)

Offers health insurance to Hiring Hall employees.

LOA 15-15 (Supersedes 15-01) Sick leave for Hiring Hall and Intermittent Employees

Provides 3 days (24 hours) of sick leave per year to Hiring Hall and intermittent employees.

LOA 15-14 Remote Gas Transmission Estimator HQ’s

GT Estimating will be considered a separate HQ from GD Estimating at every office where there are remote GT Estimators; Existing incumbent GT Estimators are transferred to separate HQ’s. All future GT Estimator vacancies will be filled by bidding with the new contractual HQ’s.

LOA 15-13 DCPP QV Rotations

Establishes a process and outlines restrictions for IBEW and Management employees to rotate into QV positions for up to two year.

LOA 15-12 Canus Treated as Hiring Hall for Title 27.2

Provides that Hiring Hall employees who choose to work through Canus instead of PG&E Hiring Hall will be treated like Hiring Hall for purposes of the ESC contract.

LOA 15-11 Expert Project Controls Analyst (PCA)

Establishes new classification of Expert PCA, job description, qualifications and salary range plus four separate contractual HQ’s for PCA’s in Gas Ops at Bishop Ranch.