Nominations open for Secretary-Treasurer, Vice President of PG&E Unit, and Vice President of Government, Administrative, Technical Unit. Nominations may now be submitted by a letter signed by no less than ten (10) members in good standing of the union and must be received by the union office no later than Thursday, October 15, 2020.

We were pleased to have such a high turnout at our Remote Work Negotiations Update Webinar on May 6th. While 500 ESC members attended our webinar discussing the status and outlook of Remote Work negotiations, we know many more who wanted the information could not. This recap covers the information presented during the webinar and is up to date as of May 12, 2021.

Long-time steward, bargaining team member, and overall staunch supporter of ESC Local 20, Pete “Petey” Miskovich will be dearly missed by his union family. Pete was a Principal Gas Mapper out of Sacramento and was always there as ESC’s “go-to” for gas mapping-related issues. There is no question his efforts benefited all ESC Local 20 PG&E members and resulted in more fairness in the workplace. We are so thankful to have known and worked with him.